So you have an interest in cooking recipes or quilting or designer clothes or home improvements, well your interest can be anything that you like finding it on the web and wouldn't be a cool to "Pin" it up somewhere and share it with your friends and family and grow your interest with people of same interest ...
Yes there is a website which has caught its attention in the Social media, it's so hot that every PR websites are publishing about it and it has surpassed Google and Facebook visitor traffic in just couple of months, that's right the new Social media website called "PInterest.Com"
So it really helps Ecommerce websites to share their products with "Pin It" button so shoppers who have the interest in your products can pin it up and share it with their friends and like minded people. The website is currently in beta and you need to request the access but do get it and share your interest.
We just customized our client Hips and Curves so they could offer the Pin It button on their product catalog of plus size lingerie and shoppers can pin up their sexy lingerie products, take a look at their Pin Up website
Pin It, is great Social media button you shouldn't miss adding it to your website especially if your customers are females since 90% of customers are female who are pinning up their interest, so it's time to share your brand, product and pin up finally.
So it really helps Ecommerce websites to share their products with "Pin It" button so shoppers who have the interest in your products can pin it up and share it with their friends and like minded people. The website is currently in beta and you need to request the access but do get it and share your interest.
We just customized our client Hips and Curves so they could offer the Pin It button on their product catalog of plus size lingerie and shoppers can pin up their sexy lingerie products, take a look at their Pin Up website
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