Mobile space is growing faster each year with newer smart phones being introduced, the latest one is HTC Incredible powered by Android with 1GHz processor just enough to run all your office apps and to conduct your business.
- What does this mean to small and medium business owners?
- Does this new space empower them with more information at their finger tips?
- Do business owners really care checking their business on their phone while they are away from their office?
We are conducting a survey within our customer base to understand the business needs and if you think you can answer these questions please feel free to comment on this thread or send us an email by visiting
Survey Questions
1. 1. Do you have a smart phone like iPhone or Blackberry or windows based phones?
a. If yes then, would you want to be able to check how your business progressing when you are away from your computer/office or remotely via phone?
b. Has there been a situation where you needed to know certain information and you could have used to look up your Customer, Sales, Vendors etc that
2. If you answered No to Question 1, do you think business owners would be moving fwd to purchase a smart phone to interact more easily with their backend ERP/Accounting/Sales system to have information at their finger tips?
a. Do you see a potential in developing a mobile apps that interacts with ERP s/w to do certain tasks/activities?
3.3. What would you pay for such kind of apps which provides instant access to your data?
4. 4. Finally on scale of 1-to 10 with 1 being lowest and 10 being highest, how do you rate such features empowering business owners?
We will share our results and our findings with you all in few weeks from now.... stay tuned.
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