Well the crowd obviously reduced a bit from Day 3 as it was pure development and needed some exposure to programming as they unveiled their source code and the entire ISSI framework....
What I really liked about Interprise Suite is not about features, not about user interface, not about UCLA campus, nor the gals at the westwood but the framework that this guys built is worth it all my trip from Virginia to LA. I should say "Mission ACCOMPLISHED"
Ramil took over the entire session of covering the entire framework of how to really create plug-in's to Interprise Suite (ISSI) a truly plug and play technology for small and medium business. I hadn't seen a better framework in the ERP space, last time I boosted of technology was back when I was technical product manager at iCode Software (Everest) and now I should say Interprise has surpassed its comptetiors Everest, NetSuite and others ....
"Build what you want to build and here is the framework" was the mantra from the Interprise team, you can't go wrong, even if you do go wrong, they have smart developers like Ulysses, who will help us in fixing those errors/issues... We lay our hands, fingers and elbow into their code trying to build plug-in's, components, reports, forms etc...
You may be thinking only developers stayed back for Day 3 onwards, you maybe wrong there were some amazing people from all walks of life all the way from Australia, India, UK, East and West coast ranging from resellers to prospects who laid their hands and teeth's into this 3 day source code program....
Rob at ASPDOTNETSTOREFRONT dropped by on thursday and gave us glimpse of E-Commerce, the reason why I was still there to really see the power of this shopping cart since I built one during my iCode days ...
The beauty about this software, it is based of XML so it gives you flexibility to design any look and feel. They are still working out the finer details of integration with Interprise. They are so advanced compared to other e-Commerce softwares, the search engine friendly URL's makes it easy for spidering, tons of features, they even added the latest Google Checkout feature to their shopping cart...
I had fun driving around LA traffic "never go on Route 405" during traffic hours, hell no ... what I really like about this place great mexican food, people from all over the world, imported cars and the LA gals ...
Gary, his team and myself sat down for dinner (courtesy Interprise Suite) and shared some happy moments and talked about Uly his lead developer and his obsessions towards blondes ...lol ... Overall it was a pleasant trip to LA to witness the next big thing in Enterprise for small and medium business ... (until MS project green releases)