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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Future of ERP Software, Could IS 6.0 or 7.0 cover this?

Wouldn't it be great to have an ERP system that automates your business and also evolves with latest trend and yet be affordable for small and medium business

Here are our wish list or wanna have those features in the Software.
We composed these questions or feature list based on our interactions with several ERP customers who are using Interprise or other various ERP software’s such as Everest, NetSuite or simply looking for integrated software to run their business ...
  •  Multi Company, Multi currency and Multiple Website all in one easy to use software, truly multiple …
  • Inventory Controls, Warehouse management, Stock allocation (I mean really stock allocation for orders on web, manage back orders, notify customers and be able to sell sell more …) Kind of amazon.com how they handle their inventory, come on it’s not that hard.
  •  E-Commerce truly that is evolving by the trends not tiny miny feature but ability to launch new websites with easy from single database, Search engine friendly (SEO), ability to interface with multi-channel, product feeds, social media out of the box, not stand alone ecommerce or open source, I need integrated shopping carts with everything integrated and should not cost me leg or arm.
  •  How about letting others developers develop what they are good at and let the framework take care of the rest? Yes I’m talking about SDK (Software Development Kit) which can flood  the marketplace and surpasses maybe Apple or  Android marketplace, I mean real apps not crappy game apps, I’m talking abt apps such as Sales order on iPad or Samsung tablet or Motorola Zoom taking orders when I’m in a trade shows, Can I?
  •  A software that can be hosted on shared or dedicated hosting or one that can be hosted at ISP or on premises or one that can be accessed from China while you talking to your suppliers during your business trip
  •  A Software which can be learnt easily, not because it has less features, but more support options for customers or end users like ability to walk into product trainings, seminars, or find a consultant or reseller who can guide them in right direction and show them how to scale their business using ERP software, that’s when the true powers lies, a larger community much larger than facebook.

 All of this and much more evolving technologies need to be part of  “One Software” and it shld be available  “Now” and not in 2020 I’m talking about 2011, right before we jump into biggest season of the year, last year's online shopping surpassed 1 Billion in sales just during thanks giving holidays, this year it may surpass those numbers, are you ready?

Can you compete with other business? Can you sell more, ship more …. Well if you are ready then bring your inventory and cup of coffee we are ready to scale your business.

Call us or Visit our Website and learn more why we are excited and how we can scale your business. 

Interprise Update: We were shown sneak preview of "what's coming up in 6.0 Ver" which is scheduled for launch early 3rd Qtr (don't hold me for the dates).

The demo blew our expectations, all our features/wishes are added/granted and it looks way too good to believe and I kept saying "I couldn't believe it's butter/IS" so we are excited with the new developments and enhancements they have made in such a short period, we will be posting more updates as we get our hands onto 6.0 pre-release/beta versions. 

In few more weeks we will try to list all the juicy features coming up in 6.0 and how they can make your business operate more efficiently and allow you to sell more ... Stay tuned ....

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Interprise Workshop at Los Angeles March 30 to Apr 1st

The Power Business / Software Workshop offered by Interprise Solutions will not only help you to organize and manage your business more effectively, but it will also efficiently help you to drive your revenue, and control your expenses.

For three days, Interprise Solutions offers you the chance to engage in full, in-depth discussions with software instructors, experience hands-on exercises that are sure to enhance comprehension and a receive a detailed review of all material covered within the program. Paired with this, you will also receive a CD comprised of course material and videos

Hurry if you want to get trained with Interprise ERP software now is the time to join the training and learn how to use the powerful beast for your business so you can tame the beast and be more productive and less frustrated.

We highly recommend training coz it's not easy to use an ERP system so get your hands on it experts training you at their LA location. 

Have fun !!!