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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Secret Deals, Exclusive Deals, Members Only, Restricted Access

Secret Deals, Exclusive Deals, Members Only, Restricted Access, VIP's only you have heard such terms before while shopping online.
To illustrate with an example consider having a website like Gilt.com which is restricted access to their product catalog unless you become  members of their site Or another scenario would be, a wholesale distribution Company and they want to show only certain products to retailers upon login and make them feel special about your program/offerings.

If your running eCommerce business and wondering wish we could offer such deals too. You want such features in your eCommerce website without spending way too much, your choices would be customizing your website by spending more $$$, right?

The good news with Interprise version 6.0 you can do secret deals with easy, no programming required, no need to spend a dime, just enable few preferences in back-end ERP and you could have all those secret deals and restricted access to your shoppers and look like a million dollar website.

Feature: Product Filters - That's right this new feature allows you to filter the products based on specific set of customers or group of customers whom you call VIP's.

Step 1: Create a new product filter let's call "Secret deals" from eCommerce --> Setup --> Product Filter
Step 2: Select the categories and products that you want to be restricted
Step 3: Now go to Customer profile (all those customers) who have access to this Secret deal and specify in the Setup tab and Contact tab --> Web option --> Product Filter tab
Step 4: Set the Application configuration preference "AllowProductFilter" to true indicating you want to enable that feature on eCommerce website.
Step 5: Surf your website those categories and products are not seen,  unless you login and then you get to view them.

You could always extend this feature and offer to all customers who register on your website or set of customers automatically by configuring your customer class template, so that way you don't have to do all those steps and get it going from day one, for existing customers maybe running a special SQL script in back-end would automate the process.

If you want detailed user guide how to enable this in Interprise then refer to Product  Filter online documentation from Interprise.

Stay tuned for more interesting features in Ver 6

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

SEO PInterest for better search results & conversions

SEO PInterest
Well now that you have the PinIt button on your website, it's time to look into optimizing your Pinterest boards so those links can start working for you in the organic searches.

1. Organize your boards 
Just like categories, boards are unique way to categorize your interest, so from business stand point you would have boards just like you have categories in your eCommerce website. Your boards might look like "Shoes For Men" or "DSLR Cameras" or "Electric Brake pads" or "Plus-Size-Lingerie".

By doing so your board URL would be http://www.YourDomain.com/Company-Name/Board-Name this gives unique identification and also search engine friendly URL which contains pin-ups of images and description of products and this my friend search engines love indexing coz of relevant information.

2. Publish your "PinIt" 
Publish the Pinit button across all product pages next to other social media buttons Facebook Like It, Twitter and others.

PinIt button ties into Facebook and Twitter accounts, so it pulls traffic from your friends and other shoppers who are Re-Pin your Pins and has far reaching effect since picture speaks more than words.

Another note when you publish your pictures also publish the description of the product with few keywords so that also helps in your SEO, any description is worth reading too.

3. Profile description
On Pinterest edit your profile and relevant keywords that you use so they are keyword rich something on these lines "YourDomain sells electronics, cameras, digital cameras and DSLR's for any budget with some great camera deals"

4. Follow us on Pinterest
Add the Follow us on Pinterest button on your home page so you catch the attention of your shoppers and have them follow you. Don't miss any opportunity to publish your Pinterest links via emails, newsletter and other media.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Pin it up and Socialize your interest - new Social media website

So you have an interest in cooking recipes or quilting or designer clothes or home improvements, well your interest can be anything that you like finding it on the web and wouldn't be a cool to "Pin" it up somewhere and share it with your friends and family and grow your interest with people of same interest ...

Yes there is a website which has caught its attention in the Social media, it's so hot that every PR websites are publishing about it and it has surpassed Google and Facebook visitor traffic in just couple of months, that's right the new Social media website called "PInterest.Com"

 So it really helps Ecommerce websites to share their products with "Pin It" button so shoppers who have the interest in your products can pin it up and share it with their friends and like minded people. The website is currently in beta and you need to request the access but do get it and share your interest.

We just customized our client Hips and Curves so they could offer the Pin It button on their product catalog of plus size lingerie and shoppers can pin up their sexy lingerie products, take a look at their Pin Up website

Pin It, is great Social media button you shouldn't miss adding it to your website especially if your customers are females since Pinterest.com 90% of customers are female who are pinning up their interest, so it's time to share your brand, product and pin up finally.

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

What's New In Year 2012?

Happy New Year 2012 !!!

We look forward for a thrilling year, year after year online business is soaring high and business are moving towards "OnCloud" environment, On demand infrastructure this pushes the way we do business and the way we interact online on Social media websites. Some of the changes we have noticed past few months worth jotting it down ...

I. Google Analytics - Real Time Dashboard:
Google Analytics introduced a new feature which was long overdue and Google got it right, real time dashboard unlike any other analytic website offers. Real time dashboard is available only in the newer version of the website.

To view proceed to Google analytics website & click on Home tab and on the right side navigation you should see options to view real time, the real time graphical representation of shoppers (visitors) on your website or blogs and feel good abt it.

II. OnCloud Hosting Plans:
Rackspace online hosting provider is now offering OnCloud hosting plans starting from 1.5 cents/ Hr, this changes the way we used to buy hardware and software now we can avoid those and just rent it till we want it or ramp up the memory or hard disk when we need it and scale down the bandwidth when its not required, read more

Interprise Solutions also offers similar hosting plans compared to Rackspace for ERP application hosting, it makes much more easier to have Interprise host your ERP software one less headache to manage.

III. Ecommerce 360 - Be noticed.
InfoSourcing solution provider for Interprise Suite has packaged a new plugin for Version 6.0 "Ecommerce 360" which would change the way you do business online,.

The new plugin offers value for money, it has packed with features that gets every business owner interested, from organic search engine optimization to social media everything you need to be successful online.

SEO Dashboard, Comparison Shopping feeds, Marketplace, Social Media and Analytics all-in-one plugin its 2012 killer.

We will be soft-launching this plugin by Feb 15th 2012 if you want to get on our beta do let us know.

IV. Interprise Suite Ver 6.0
As the new version 6.0 gets rolled out , Companies are slowly making their move towards upgrading to the latest version and get familiar with the new features, we are in the process of making that change too, so stay tuned for more updates.